End of the Tunnel

End of the Tunnel

Just $4.44??


Yup. That’s enough to make a big difference over time. Still, there’s nothing that says we can’t accept donations to help out as well, so you’re in the right place if that’s your intent. You may just want to skip down the page a bit.

A steady flow of subscriptions is the most reliable indicator of what the future will afford, and most people can afford 16 cents a day. It’s a very affordable expense, and all we need are three subscribers–you, and  two of your friends. Of course, we’d love it if you spent ten minutes every Sunday to find one more person to subscribe, but we’re not going to pressure you about it. We’re not like that. You can do it on Tuesdays instead.   🙂

On a personal note, I’ve found that you’re much more likely to succeed in getting somebody to subscribe if you simply ask them to. Even stronger is if you tell them you subscribed as well. The point is, asking someone to “look at it” isn’t as effective as asking them, straight out, to get involved in it. That might even be what brought you here, so… it works. Just ask.

As luck would have it, “the tunnel” is a pretty popular title for things, even internationally, so if you send a text message or post a referral on your favorite social media outlet, you should use the URL — TheTunnel.org instead. That 4.44 begins to multiply pretty quickly when the news keeps traveling, so like and share and tweet and snap and all that stuff.

There are other ways to help spread the word by becoming an advocate. There’s no approval process. It’s just your decision. Any way you can help tell others about the End of the Tunnel initiatives is appreciated. If you need some ideas, find out more here.

Want to contribute more to the cause?

If you’re moved to donate to this mission in more immediate ways, well… thank you. We are humbled and reverent toward those who give beyond what is asked in any amount. We’ve found the more common offers are $100 and $250. In addition, there is a donation button below which allows contributions of any amount. Whether $5 or $5 million, your generosity is truly appreciated. If you happen to be among the more common donors, though, we hope you’ll appreciate and have a chuckle at the purchase opportunities we’ve created just for you! To donate beyond $10,000, please contact Stan Buhl at itsstanbuhl@thetunnel.org for instructions.

First, remember that this is not a non-profit organization. Like donating to a political campaign, you can’t write off a contribution here. We realize there are folks like you who want to put more into this mission than a few bucks a month, so to solve this problem, we’ve created a simple donation button where you can contribute anywhere from $5 on up, and that contribution becomes available, as is regulated for security, on the following Monday.

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